Can Electric Motors Be Steam Washed?

2022-10-08 15:05:02 By : Ms. Christy Cassey

Can Electric Motors Be Steam Washed?JAKARTA, - One of the things that active motorists need to do after breaking through the rain is to wash them immediately.The goal, so that dirt does not land on some important components of the vehicle and maintain optimal paint.So, what about electric motorcycles?Bearing in mind, related vehicles have high-voltage components and are vulnerable to water, namely batteries, electric motors, and other supporting components.Met by several journalists in Jakarta on Saturday (8/10/2022), Alva's SPV Product Specialist, Abraham Sutadusastra said the action was safe.However, there are some aspects that need to be considered.Also read: Rainy season, this is what you must pay attention to so that the electric motor battery is not in WISNU Test ride the Alva One electric motorbike at the GIIAS 2022 eventOne of them, before washing, make sure that the Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) is turned off so that there is no incoming electrical connection from the battery to the hub aka the electric motor.It is known that the MCB is a component that functions as a system in electrical installations for disconnecting and connecting electric current between the battery and other electrical devices in the motor.So if you avoid overload and short circuit or short circuit."If you want to wash the steam, first turn off the MCB. Tell the person who is going to wash it that this is an electric motor. Then if you want to spray it, just give it a distance of about 60 centimeters to 1 meter," said Abraham.Also read: Can-Am City, Offroad Vehicle Play Facilities Opened at Kurniawan Batteries in Alva One Electric MotorsKeeping the distance is intended to suppress the potential for water to enter the motor battery section under the trunk.Meanwhile, to spray the legs is not a problem.Similarly, when the motor is given soap.Because the outside of the motor that has a high current voltage has been coated with a waterproof part and closed tightly."The most vulnerable is under the seat (luggage). Even though there is a rubber coating, the name is also high pressure, we don't know. If it's safer, you're afraid why just cover it (battery part) with plastic," he said."If it's under there, it's not a problem because it's also designed to withstand puddles (floods). The hub is also really sealed, just passing water is not a problem," continued Abraham.After washing, make sure the motor is completely dry before finally re-activating the MCB to supply electricity from the battery to the electric motor.Write your comments with the hashtag #JernihBerkomentar and win e-vouchers for 90 winners!Get information and insight selected by editorsDouble check and complete your data.Your data will be used for account verification when you need assistance or when unusual activity is found on your account.Immediately complete your data to join the #JernihBerkomentar program.